Apply to Be a Student
Interested in becoming a student at Cornerstone Crossroads Academy?
We walk alongside our students, providing personalized education pathways and a community of support, so students can finish high school and achieve their purpose.
Returning students click here to reapply.
Hear from a graduate about the day in the life of a CCA Student.
Two Pathways
We offer two distinct pathways for students to complete their high school education and prepare for the future.
Pathway 1 – GED Track
Teacher-led GED Program
Online curriculum on Essential Ed.
Pass 4 GED required tests- ELA, Math, Social Studies, Science
Desire to go immediately to the workforce or community college
Participate in CCA Work Academy and all school electives
Estimated time: 1 year
Ages 17-25
4th grade or above reading and math literacy
Post grad opportunities
Community college
Trade programs
Pathway 2 – High School Diploma Track
Live classes on the APEX Learning Virtual School platform
Obtain 26 credits to graduate (as required by Texas)
Oversight, guidance and support from the Student Services Coordinator
Participate in all school electives
Estimated time: dependent on student’s credits
Ages 17-25
8th grade or above reading and math literacy
High school transcript audit and assessment
Post grad opportunities
4-year university
Community college
Trade programs
How to Apply
We hold a 5:1 student teacher ratio, and we accept 25 students per quarter. Once all seats are filled, we begin a waitlist of students to enroll the following quarter.
Step 1 – Fill out the Student Interest Form
Step 2 – Fill out the Student Application
Step 3 – Submit your Transcript Request or email your most recent high school transcript to the CCA Student Services Coordinator
Step 4 – Complete Permission Forms (with parent, if under 18 years old)
Step 5 – Upload Documents (Birth certificate, social security card, transcript, and ID or driver's license)
Step 6 – Attend Orientation. See dates below.
Orientation Dates for Upcoming Year
August 1, 10 am – 2 pm
August 8, 10 am – 2 pm
August 12, 10 am – 2 pm
October 7, 10 am – 2 pm
December 9, 10 am – 2 pm
March 3, 10 am - 2 pm
Non-Discriminatory Policy
Cornerstone Crossroads Academy does not discriminate against students on the basis of race, color, national/ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation or religion in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies and other school administered programs.